Despite the economic crisis and the unstable political environment - frequent protests and recent impeachments, Brazil is a very promising market for any company operating in the mobile market. According to various estimates, in Brazil from 78 (2016, Statista) to 90 million (2015, GSMA) smartphone owners, that is, the penetration of mobile Internet is about 40%.
According to the Flurry, a company engaged in the analysis of mobile markets, Brazil is the leader in the Latin American region in the number of sessions in applications, however, this is primarily due to the size of the population.
It should be noted separately that the level of penetration of applications for finance in Brazil is much higher than in India or Germany, yielding in this, perhaps, only the US.
At the same time, according to the results of Cheetah Global Lab research, financial applications are only 10th in the list of applications with the maximum penetration. Accordingly, our partners have much to develop and conquer new heights.
Summing up the small results we want to note: